Friday 12 June 2020

Routinity Habits Listening To Music Before Sleeping

Source: Geschichte! (February 3, 2012)

Some people think that the habit of listening to music before going to bed can help the problem of difficulty sleeping while others don't think so.

Everyone has a different perspective to help with problems sleeping difficult with the habit of listening to music before going to bed. Many benefits from this routine. However, the effects of this routine habits that will interfere with health, especially listening to music until the next morning.

The main reason is music provides a calm and relaxing effect. This is evidenced from the results of research that shows that the tempo of music is believed to be able to “ adjust ” the heartbeat. Music that has a slow beat of around 60 beat per minute (BPM) is recommended by some experts as an ideal condition for sleep music that can provide a relaxing effect so it falls asleep faster. Another benefit from the routine of listening to music before bed is preventing insomnia. Based on the results of the study, about 30% of adults experience insomnia that is quite chronic in their lives, where the hours of sleep for adults experience interference for more than one month. This is triggered by factors such as age and stress. Some researchers suggest making a favorite playlist music and listening to it before going to bed rather than relying on sleeping pills to help sleep quickly.

Although there are benefits, these habits should not be a routine especially listening to music until the next morning because the effects of these routine habits will interfere with health. For example, the brain continues to work. When sleeping with the conditions of music that rotates throughout the night, sound waves emitted by a music player are received by the auditory senses which are then passed on to the brain, brain work that should not be as busy as during the day will be aroused to receive and process incoming information. Another example is decreased hearing ability. Sleeping while listening to music can have a risk to the ears, especially if listening to it using earphones plus deliberately playing music with a loud volume so you can sleep. This habit routine can affect hearing ability. The volume of music is too loud can damage the eardrum.

In conclusion, listening to music before going to bed is permissible as long as it does not become a routine habit.


Geschichte!, M. (2012, February 3). Danbo. Retrieved June 12, 2020, from

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